Diary of a Sutton Councillor

Phone mast threat to Woodcote Green seen off

Cllr Steve Cook views the proposed location with residents

Vodafone recently put in notification of their intention to put a telecom mast and large cabinets on Woodcote Green, next to the air raid shelter.

Not only would this be an eyesore on a beautiful village green opposite Wallington Girls School, it was right where local residents had asked the Local Committee to locate a new heritage sign explaining the history of the green.

Through the Beddington & Wallington Local Committee residents have previously secured restoration of the air raid shelter on the green, moved the the horse trough back to its original position, and received funds for spring bulb planting. So what an insult to spoil it all with an ugly mast and cabinets.

Your ward councillors worked with our Beddington South ward colleagues and the local residents association to submit our objections to the plans. This has paid off and the council’s planning officers agree that it would be wrong to allow the mast here and have now refused the application.

So thanks to a bit of people-power the mast threat has been seen off and the lovely new heritage board is now in place.


The original plans

May 1, 2017 Posted by | Information | , | Leave a comment