Diary of a Sutton Councillor

Wallington South Ward Councillors’ Summer Update

Whilst London is emerging from lockdown having seen a dramatic fall in Covid cases, we would still urge caution to prevent a second wave in the virus locally, as lessons are learnt from overseas. It is good that we support our local shops and businesses, but to do so we need to continue to follow the guidance regarding hygiene and social distancing.


Reducing speeding in Foresters Drive

In response to concerns about safety Beddington South and Wallington South councillors joined forces to secure TfL funding for schemes to help reduce speeding along Foresters Drive. Consultation has taken place with local residents and we expect to see schemes implemented this autumn.

A cleaner, greener School Street for Bandon Hill in Beddington Gardens

Beddington Gardens is set to benefit from trialling a School Street initiative aimed at reducing traffic in this residential area at school drop off and pick up times. We have had many complaints from residents about inconsiderate and obstructive parking from parents transporting their children to school, ignoring yellow lines and blocking access by ambulances. Following schemes successfully implemented in Croydon and being trialled at 16 other schools across the borough, we hope that this trial will make this stretch of Beddington Gardens safer for children travelling to school, as well as improving air quality in the area. Reducing school traffic also makes it a more attractive and healthier option to walk or cycle to school, as well as improving the conditions for local residents.
The schemes are funded from the Department of Transport and TfL’s ‘Streetspace’ plans for walking and cycling improvements to ensure social distancing and lock in improvements for active travel across the capital that we have seen increase during the coronavirus crisis.

Improving the cycling network

The council has been working with TfL to improve the cycling network across the borough and Park Lane/Parkgate Road and Church Lane both just outside our ward are set to benefit from funding. There will also be additional parking facilities for bikes in key locations across the borough.

Local artist supporting healthier streets

We were delighted that local artist Doug Shaw set his talents to pavement stencils designed to encourage more children to walk to school. These delightful motifs have been seen across the borough and put a smile on many children’s faces. Just what was needed amidst the unsettling times we are in.

Success in fight to prevent late night takeaway opening

Cllr Cook attended the council’s licensing committee to object to a Wallington town centre takeaway extending its opening hours well into the early hours. Concerns had been raised that as the only takeaway open after 11pm it would be a magnet for spill-out from the pubs and risk a concentration of anti-social behaviour in the area.
The committee agreed with Councillor Cook and limited the takeaway’s opening

hours to 11pm Sunday to Thursday, and midnight at the weekends. Ensuring that our community remains peaceful and welcoming to all residents will always be one of our top priorities as your local councillors.

ASB from local youths

Anti-social behaviour from a group of local youths is bringing misery and anger from local businesses and residents affected by their activities. This includes regular incidences of youths on cycles frightening pedestrians and taunting shopkeepers in Wallington Square, and late-night noisy motorcycles in the Sainsburys basement car park and speeding along Stafford Road. The police are aware of their activities but need to catch them in the act.
If you are intimidated or abused by these youths you can call 999 as it is a live criminal activity. Or you can report an incident after the event if you witness criminal or anti-social behaviour. It is important that you do report all incidences as the local police resources are largely dependent on the number of incidents noted for their area.
Never assume the police won’t or can’t do anything – they will triage immediate responses according to risk and resources, but if they don’t even have an incident reported there is nothing they can do.

Ross Parade Alleyway Gated

A great example of partnership working with the police, local residents and businesses has seen the gating-off of a problematic alleyway on Ross Parade. The alley has long been an attractor for anti-social behaviour such as drug taking, drinking, public urination, and a sexual assault, making it an extremely unpleasant experience for those people who had to use the alleyway to access their properties.
The police believed that prevention was the best way to tackle the problem so with funding secured through the Beddington and Wallington Local Committee the alleyway was gated off at both ends.
We appreciate that this has meant extinguishing the public right of way through the alleyway, but it was felt necessary given its proximity to the Wetherspoons pub and for the safety of those people who had no choice but to use the alleyway to access their homes and businesses.
The affected residents are delighted as they have already seen a vast improvement, even if it was a long time coming!

Trade Waste Enforcement

Your ward councillors were alerted to uncollected trade waste building up behind local shops on Stafford Road and called in the council Environmental Enforcement Team. A site visit highlighted inappropriate waste storage at the premises prompting a follow-up visit from the Food Hygiene Team.
We would urge all food businesses to be mindful of the need to manage waste properly to avoid health issues and fines.

Wallington Farmers Market is back!

We were delighted to help Ecolocal to get permission to restart their popular Farmers Market from June.
They have been putting in special measures to allow social distancing and ensure hygiene and controls to manage the flow of people into the library gardens. We think it was well worth it to bring back this popular market so we can all support our local traders.

Cllr Cook and the lock down bomb adventure

Entering the fourth week of lock-down at the Cook household, when on Monday morning their neighbours in Blenheim Gardens, Wallington, discovered what they thought to be an unexploded bomb in their garden. They had been clearing their garden ready for a new lawn.
Councillor Cook immediately called the adjacent neighbours and asked them to stay indoors. The police swiftly arrived, followed by the bomb squad who investigated and pronounced everything “all clear”. It was a defused WW2 artillery casing, which had probably been kept as a souvenir by the previous home owners. It certainly livened up lock-down that day.

Ward Surgeries and casework

We suspended our councillor ward surgeries in Wallington Sainsburys and will continue to do so until the need to socially distance is removed as it is not easily maintained in the space we occupy by the lifts. We have offered virtual surgeries instead, advertised on facebook.
We are now willing to undertake site visits and meetings to discuss casework issues, as long as we can observe social distancing. Contact us via email or telephone as usual.


Council services reopening

The council has been gradually reopening many of its services as government guidance permits. All Sutton’s libraries are now open along with our heritage buildings, leisure centres and parks. Some restrictions and requirements will be in place to ensure the risk of passing on the virus whilst accessing these services is reduced, so do check before you go.
The Kimpton refuse and recycling centre is open for pre-booked slots, including for vans, and the council will collect bulky waste items from via its pre-arranged service offering to remove up to three large items for just £31.00.
Parking enforcement is also operational again but some parking bays remain unavailable to provide sufficient space for pedestrians to socially distance.

Coronavirus: Local Information and Help

The council and its partners are still providing help and information for people who are self-isolating and without support. There are also networks of local volunteers available to provide with shopping or picking up medication or any other help that is needed.

Financial Support

We are aware than many people are finding it harder than ever to support themselves and their families either as a result of job losses or reduced income. The council and its partners continue to offer help to get you through this difficult time.

Council Tax
If your income has dropped to below £24,000 and you have savings of less than £10,000 you may be eligible for a council tax reduction. You can apply via the council website and check to see if you are eligible to pay less council tax.
For anyone experiencing difficulties in making payment, the council can make alternative arrangements with you that take account of your circumstances. This may include rescheduling or delaying payment. Email counciltax@sutton.gov.uk or call 020 8770 5000.

Risk of homelessness or eviction
The government lifts its ban on evictions from 24th August however landlords still have to follow legal process before they can evict you from your home. If your landlord alerts you to their intention to evict you contact the council’s homelessness advice service, Encompass, who can advise of your rights and assist in negotiations with your landlord, or help to secure alternative accommodation.

Financial Support for Businesses
The council provided a discretionary business support grant for businesses, including the self-employed, that did not qualify under the government’s initial schemes. This has seen £885,000 distributed to over 100 local businesses who have very much welcomed the help. Further applications from the second round are currently being processed and grants distributed.

If you were eligible but hadn’t previously applied for any the Government’s business grants schemes because at the time you didn’t need it, you can still apply. It is expected that the government will start to close some of these schemes as we move out of lockdown.



DM2018/01835 25-27 Beddington Gardens And 18 Holmwood Gardens Wallington SM6 0JG Outline planning application to determine access, layout and scale for the demolition of existing houses and the erection of a part 4 storey building and basement comprising a total of thirty seven self-contained flats, with associated hard and soft landscaping, refuse and cycle storage and thirty nine off street parking spaces Refused Feb 2019, Appeal lodged Sept 2019, Appeal dismissed

DM2020/00361 Geyfords Car Showroom/Store Elgin Road Wallington SM6 8RE Demolition of the existing garage and erection of 7 two storey terraced houses with associated parking Application refused April 2020

DM2020/00251 50 Woodcote Road Wallington SM6 0NN Demolition of existing single storey commercial building and erection of four storey building comprising 1 self-contained residential unit over three upper floors and a ground floor commercial unit Application Granted April 2020

DM2019/01775 Cloverdale Court 10 Stanley Park Road Wallington SM6 0EU Alterations and extension including the erection of a two storey front extension, a two storey side extension (north west), a three storey side (North east) extension and conversion of loft space all to create 22 additional self-contained residential units. Provision of a new community day centre, cycle spaces, refuse store and associated landscaping works. Application granted

DM2019/01756 Wallington Court, Pulse Strength And Fitness Stanley Park Road Wallington SM6 0HG Application to vary condition 4 (hours of operation to 24 hour) of planning permission Ref: D1997/41910 for the Use of ground floor of premises as a gymnasium Application Withdrawn

New Applications:

DM2020/00810 6 Onslow Gardens Wallington Sutton SM6 9QN Demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of a detached dwelling with vehicular access from Onslow Gardens.

DM2020/00501 50-52 Stanley Park Road Carshalton SM5 3HW Demolition of existing semi-detached dwellings and erection of a detached two storey building including accommodation in roof space to provide 7 self-contained residential units, provision of cycle/refuse stores, parking spaces and altered vehicular access to and from the front of the property.

DM2020/00450 Monarch House 7 Stafford Road Wallington SM6 9AN Erection of a single storey rear conservatory, enclosure of under croft to form additional office floor space, alteration to parking, vehicle access from Onslow Gardens with new gates and boundary treatment.

So that is it from us for now. Stay safe, shop local and enjoy the summer weather.

Cllr Steve Cook, Cllr Jayne McCoy & Cllr Muhammad Sadiq

Your Lib Dem team for Wallington South

October 1, 2020 - Posted by | Information, Liberal Democrats | , , , , , ,

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