Diary of a Sutton Councillor

Bridge Road barrier repair


I reported this damaged barrier in Bridge Road off Ross Parade to the council earlier this week.

I am advised that the bollard has been removed for safe keeping as the base plate is damaged beyond repair and a new one has been ordered. In the meantime plastic barriers are being used to prevent vehicular access until the bollard can be reinstalled.

August 11, 2016 Posted by | Information | , , | Leave a comment

No more double vision in Ross Parade

When double yellow lines appeared in Ross Parade no one was more surprised than your ward councilors Colin, Monica & myself. Under normal procedures we would have been alerted to implementation of double yellow lines and privy to feedback from the related formal consultation, but this had not happened.

What we were not surprised about was the immediate contact from local businesses concerned about the impact of these lines on their evening trade.

We agreed with the businesses that a single yellow line was all that was necessary for the area and requested that the council returned the road to how it was before.

I was very pleased today to see that this has now been done.

December 10, 2012 Posted by | Information | , , | Leave a comment